Baby Skin Concerns and Care
BABY ACNE – Collection of small red spots or smooth pimples on baby’s face caused by exposure to mom’s hormones during birth.
Treatment – Keep baby’s face as clean and dry as possible. The bumps may come and go, but they will eventually disappear altogether.
BOILS – Painful red bump usually occurring on pressure points such as buttocks, which gradually gets larger. A white or yellow center of pus will appear after a day or two. It is caused by an infection under the skin.
Treatment – Clean skin gently with water and antiseptic. The boil will come to a head and burst on its own. Don’t squeeze it – you’ll risk spreading the infection.
CRADLE CAP – Is a yellowish-brown scaly rash on the scalp caused by over productive oil glands.
Treatment – Apply baby oil to baby’s scalp. Gently massage in baby oil before shampooing, wash the scalp, massaging lightly to loosen the scales. Comb baby’s hair with a fine tooth comb. It usually clears up by 8-12 months of age.
DIAPER RASH – Red, spotty irritated skin in the diaper area. It is an inflammation of the skin caused by prolonged contact with urine and/or stools; reaction to laundry detergent
Treatment – Apply Zinc Oxide cream at the first sign of redness. Keep baby’s bottom area as dry as possible and sprinkle baby powder when changing diapers.
DRY SKIN – Flaky patches of irritated skin usually occurring in exposed areas caused by a lack of moisture in the skin.
Treatment – Apply petroleum-based ointments to the area. If the problem persists, consider bathing less often and switching to sensitive skin detergents and soaps.
ECZEMA – A skin reaction causing itchy, red scaly skin occurring most commonly on the face, elbows and back of knees. It is an allergic reaction to food, animal fur, wool and detergents. It may also be triggered by anxiety
Treatment – Seek to prevent skin from becoming too dry. Apply petroleum-based ointments to soothe dry skin.
HEAT RASH – Faint rash which usually occurs on the face and in skin folds where perspiration gathers caused by over heating or blocked sweat glands.
Treatment – Remove a layer of the baby’s clothing. Bathe baby in luke-warm water and dress in loose fitting clothing. Keep rash dry and uncovered as much as possible
HIVES – Itchy rash of raised red patches usually occurring on the face or torso. Patches may have pale centers and vary in length from 1/16 to 1/2 inches. It is a reaction to prickly plants, harsh sunshine, allergy to food or medication, or viral/bacterial infection.
Treatment – If the rash remains after 4 hours, your doctor may treat with antihistamine cream or medication.
IMPETIGO – Rash of small red spots usually occurring around the nose and mouth. The affected skin forms blisters which crust into brownish-yellow clusters. A bacterial infection of the skin.
Treatment – Impetigo, though not usually serious, is contagious and should be treated by your doctor.
MILK SPOTS – Tiny white spots on a newborn’s nose or cheek caused by immature oil glands.
Treatment – No treatment is necessary. The oil will come out on its own after a few weeks.
THRUSH – Cream colored raised patches on the inside of the cheeks, mouth, tongue, and sometimes around the anus. It is an infection caused by candida, a yeast which lives in the mouth and intestines.
Treatment – Thrush should be treated by you doctor. Your doctor will probably prescribe a medicine to help clear up this irritating rash.
Last updated: 12/2006