Morning Sickness
Nausea and vomiting can be one of the first signs of pregnancy, and usually begins around the 6th week of pregnancy. It can occur at anytime of the day, and for most women it seems to stop at the 12th week of pregnancy. This condition can be harmful to the baby and to the mother if it is severe and left untreated, due to the possible lack of nutrients and electrolyte imbalances. The most important thing is to inform your doctor when these symptoms appear and discuss possible options for treatment.
Possible Treatments:
- Diclectin – medication used to treat this condition
- Preggie Pops – flavored lollipops in flavors known to reduce nausea (
- Sea Bands – wrist bands that use accupressure pulse points to fight nausea
Helpful Do’s and Don’ts:
- Eat small meals often
- Drink fluids ½ hour before or after a meal, but not with meals
- Drink small amounts of fluids during the day to avoid dehydration
- Eat soda crackers 15 minutes before getting up in the morning
- Eat whatever you feel like eating, whenever you feel you can
- Ask someone else to cook for you and open the windows if the odor bother you
- Get plenty of rest and nap during the day
- Avoid warm places (feeling hot adds to nausea)
- Sniff lemons or ginger, drink lemonade, or eat watermelon to relieve nausea
- Eat salty potato chips ( they have been found to settle stomachs enough to eat a meal)
- Do not lie down after eating
- Do not skip meals
- Do not let this condition go untreated
- Do not cook or eat spicy food
“Nutrition During Pregnancy,” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 1999.
“Healthy Beginnings: Guidelines for Care During Pregnancy and Childbirth,” The Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of Canada. 2000.
“Pregnancy and Nutrition,” The National Women’s Health Information Center. 2000.
Last updated: 11/2006