A Guy’s Perspective on Her Decision
So, your partner has just informed you she is pregnant…and you need to know how much of the decision-making process involves you. Too often, the “guy” has been characterized as someone who fails to accept responsibility, only offers ultimatums, or simply sneaks out of town. That stereotype becomes an accurate portrayal only if you fail to step up to the plate and learn more about the role afforded to you under current laws. Call the Helpline toll-free at 1-866-942-6466 to get answers to your questions. Take a look at the four situations where you need to know your rights and responsibilities.
Parenting |
Adoption |
Abortion |
If you want to know what rights and responsibilities you have as a father, call.. We’ll put you in touch with professionals who can assist you with your questions. Don’t wait, call today.
Last updated: 02/2008