Healing After an Abortion

If you are experiencing grief after your abortion, even if your abortion happened years ago, emotional healing is possible. Even though you may regret past actions, you can begin to make healthy choices now that will help you heal and cope. Emotional healing is a process that takes time and usually requires assistance from a counselor or support group, but you can get started on your healing by taking one or more of these steps:

  • Find a support group or counselor
  • Admit the truth about your abortion
  • Admit any feelings of remorse or guilt
  • Allow yourself to grieve the loss of your child
  • Talk about your experience with others
  • Honestly explore your feelings about your abortion
  • Honestly explore your feelings about the people involved with your abortion
  • Accept God’s forgiveness
  • Forgive others who were involved with your abortion
  • Forgive yourself
  • Reconcile relationships that have been affected by the abortion
  • Let go of your lost child
  • Find creative outlets that allow you to express your feelings such as writing, music, drawing, etc.
  • Spend time with others on the anniversary of your abortion, don’t stay alone
  • Pray

You may not be able to do all of these steps right away. Give yourself time and start with the things that are easier for you. Seek help from a counselor for things that are more difficult.

“After an Abortion: Steps Toward Healing,” Elliot Institute. www.afterabortion.org. 1998.
“Healing,” The National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation & Healing. www.marquette.edu/rachel/healing.org. 2002.
“The Spiritual and Emotional Effects of Abortion,” Minrith, Meyer, Arterburn, The Complete Life Encyclopedia. 1995.

Last updated: 12/2006